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  丁洳茜,天津大学管理学博士和西班牙格拉纳达大学工学博士,现就职于js金沙优惠活动大厅申请,管理科学与物流系,预聘助理教授/特别副研究员,硕士生导师;研究方向包括大规模决策支持系统、人员关系侦测、冲突治理、无监督行为侦测算法设计、应急决策;在国际期刊,如IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsInformation FusionEuropean Journal of Operational Research等发表论文10余篇,2篇入选ESI高被引论文;担任IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsInformation FusionEuropean Journal of Operational ResearchGroup Decision and Negotiation 等期刊审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,博士后面上项目一等资助一项,博士后国际交流计划人才引进项目一项。







  2017/10-2020/01 格拉纳达大学(西班牙),计算机学院,计算机科学与人工智能,博士

  2015/09–2020/01  天津大学,管理与经济学部,管理科学与工程,博士

  2012/09–2015/12  天津大学,理学院,运筹学与控制论,硕士

  2008/09–2012/06  中国石油大学(北京),理学院,数学与应用数学,学士



  2020/03 至今js金沙优惠活动大厅申请,js金沙优惠活动大厅申请,博士后



  [1]    Ru-Xi Ding, Ivan, Palomares, Xueqing Wang, Guo-Rui Yang, Bingsheng Liu, Yucheng Dong, Eenrique Herrera-Viedma, Francisco Herrera, Large-Scale decision-making: Characterization, taxonomy, challenges and future directions from an Artificial Intelligence and applications perspective , Information Fusion, 59 (2020), 84-102. (SCI Q1 Top, IF: 10.716)

  [2]    Ru-Xi Ding, Xueqing Wang, Kun Shang, Bingsheng Liu, Francisco Herrera, Sparse representation-based intuitionistic fuzzy clustering approach to find the group intra-relations and group leaders for large-scale decision making, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 27 (3) (2019), 559-573. (SCI Q1 Top, SSCI, IF8.759)

  [3]    Ru-Xi Ding, Xueqing Wang, Kun Shang, Francisco Herrera, Social network analysis-based conflict relationship Investigation and conflict degree-based consensus reaching process for large scale decision making using sparse representation. Information Fusion, 50 (2019), 251-272. (SCI Q1 Top, IF: 10.716)

  [4]    Bingsheng Liu, Qi Zhou, Ru-Xi Ding*, Ivan Palomares, and Francisco Herrera, Large-scale group decision making model based on social network analysis: trust relationship-based conflict detection and elimination. European Journal of Operational Research. 275(2) (2019), 737-754. (ESI高被引,AJG/ABS 4星, SCI Q1, IF: 3.806)

  [5]    Xia Liu, Yejun Xu, Rosana Montes, Ru-Xi. Ding*, Francisco Herrera, Alternative ranking-based clustering and reliability index-based consensus reaching process for hesitant fuzzy large scale group decision making, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 27 (1) (2019) 159-171.(ESI 高被引SCI Q1 Top, SSCI, IF: 8.759)

  [6]    Bingsheng Liu, Qi Zhou, Ru-Xi Ding*, Wei Ni, and Francisco Herrera, Defective alternatives detection-based multi-attribute intuitionistic fuzzy large-scale decision making model. Knowledge-based Systems, 186(2019), 104962. (SCI Q1, SSCI, IF: 5.101)

  [7]    Ru-Xi Ding, Danel Kang Du, Zheng-Hai Huang, Zhi-Ming Li and Kun Shang, Variational feature representation-based classification for face recognition with single sample per person, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 30 (2015) 35-45. (SCI Q2 2.259)

  [8]    Ru-Xi Ding, He Huang and Jin Shang, Patch based locality-enhanced collaborative representation for face recognition, IET Image Processing, 9 (2014), 211-217.

  [9]    Zijian Shi, Xueqing Wang, Ivan Palomares, Sijia Guo, Ru-Xi Ding, A novel consensus model for multi-attribute large-scale group decision making based on comprehensive behavior classification and adaptive weight updating, Knowledge-Based Systems, 158 (2018) 196–208.(SCI Q1, IF: 5.501)

  [10]  Bingsheng Liu, Lishuang Yu, Ru-Xi Ding, Baochen Yang, Zhi Li. A decision-making method based on a two-stage regularized generalized canonical correlation analysis for complex multi-attribute large-group decision making problems, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 34 (6) (2018) 3941–3953.

  [11]  Ru-Xi Ding, Xueqing Wang, Taotao Han, et al. Research on dynamic fuzzy multi-objective optimization of engineering projects considering risk factors[C]//Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. Springer, Singapore, (2018): 1185-1201.

  [12]  Yiping Huang, Xueqing Wang, Ru-Xi Ding, et al. Risk perception, risk propensity, and unsafe behavior: An empirical study of workers in Chinese construction industry[C]//2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). IEEE, (2016) 1121-1125.